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The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone

In October of 2016, I was off to photograph the fall colors and wildlife in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.As it turned out the weather was less than cooperative. I was again with a group, with half of us starting the week in Yellowstone and half in Jackson Hole. I was in the later group. The first snows of the season were upon the mountains and they were shrouded in clouds most of the time but we took advantage of the opportunities offered us. Gorgeous country. Here is a shot of Schwabachers Landing, North of Jackson, when we first got a glimpse of the actual mountains.

I somehow became "elected" to be the group leader in one of the rental vans. A task I did not enjoy and it kinda put a hard edge on the trip. I missed more than one opportunity for a great shot as I had to round up the troops. Oh well. Lesson learned.

By the time we got to Yellowstone for the second half of the week the weather forced us to take a lengthy detour through Idaho to get to the second hotel. Snow had hit the high country and the upper loop in Yellowstone was closed unless your vehicle was equipped with snow tires and 4 wheel drive.

Again we made the best of it. Nobody froze to death but there were a few times....Like waiting for Old Faithful.

You will notice no shots of it. Turns out I needed to learn how to properly expose a bunch of white steam against a background of white snow...

The time spent at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone was going well until we were invaded by bus loads of tourists all bent on getting selfies in the minutes they had before the bus left.

At the Grand Prismatic Spring they trotted past us in droves, making it nearly impossible to set up a tripod. One middle aged woman was a sight to see as she twirled this way and that way while filming with her cell phone at a very rapid pace. We never saw her slow down once. Guess it DOES take all kinds.

This was going to be my last trip with the group I had been going with. All a bunch of great guys and very accomplished photographers but I had finally realized that I needed to seek out photographic workshops where instruction is at the forefront. I started all this pretty late in life and have a lot to learn. (As always....)

So click on the moose below and take a peek. Hope you enjoy the shots I did manage.


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